My office reopen on june 2nd

After this long lockdown period, the President of Gaul decided that it was time for all the Gauls to resume all activities … all?
Not all. Because a small professional village remains confined far from the working empire. Bars, restaurants and wellness professions are awaiting an official decision.
Anyway, I decided to resume my massages in early June.
This provides enough time to watch the development of the health situation since May 11th. Of course, if the situation would get worse, I would postpone that date, but I’m hopeful it won’t be.
New massage protocol
What already exists.
I was already very careful about hygiene regarding my practice and my way of practicing. Thus, the table was covered with a disposable medical sheet, the used white towels were changed for each client.
Likewise, for each client, I used to change the red squares of towel, used to regularly wipe my hands or the parts of my body in contact during the massage, or at each handwash in the water and at the end of the massage.
Doing this systematically when changing the type of oil or massed areas of the client body. I then disinfect with hydroalcoholic gel any used material.
Then all the parts of my body that had been in contact were cleaned with gel or washed thoroughly. The cabinet was regularly ventilated and essential oils diffused, for the pleasant smell but also for the sanitation of the room.
All these measures still be applied, and will be completed.
For my part
- Disposable paper towels will be installed in the toilets.
- Hydroalcoholic gel will be available in the waiting room.
- My massage table will be disinfected immediately after each client.
- If you are thirsty, I will serve you in a disposable cup.
- Before lying down, I will clean your hands with hydroalcoholic gel.
- Finally, I will now avoid massaging the face, because our breaths would be too close in this case.
On your side
- You will arrive masked at the office and keep your mask in the waiting room or the restroom.
- In the massage room, do not hang your mask and do not put it on the floor or on a piece of furniture when undressing
- If it is disposable, I will open my trash can for you to deposit it there.
- If it is reusable, keep it in a special pocket or a case that you have brought.- Avant de sortir de la pièce, masquez-vous de nouveau.
- To avoid going out during the massage, please go to the restroom before and wash your hands well.
- Finally, especially in this period, have an even more rigorous and complete hygiene to arrive perfectly clean in the massage office.
I could refuse the massage.
As in the case of breaches of personal hygiene, I reserve the ability to refuse or interrupt a massage if:
- The client often coughs.
- The client seems to have trouble breathing.
- The client has visible symptoms of feverishness (redness, pallor, wetness, fever).
What does not change
The massage itself remains the same massage.
This means that I will not be masked. It is indeed very difficult for me to massage with breathe discomfort, even slight at first, it becomes unbearable after an hour and a half or two hours.
I will use an alcoholic disinfectant mouthwash before and after each massage to cleanse my oral cavity, this also provide an effective barrier as long as we are not already infected. Those who know my energy massage know that I do not massage with the tips of my fingers. For that, there is no longer any notion of safety distance.
However, my face will not be next to yours, especially when you are on your belly, and our breaths will not mix.
On your side, you can if you wish to keep your mask in place during the massage.
Other details
From these last points, it follows that one must remain honest on both sides on ours epidemiological status.
If you do not feel well and are concerned about the possibility of Covid-19 infection, do not hesitate to postpone the appointment rather than risking transmission. Distance or the famous “barrier gestures” are not possible during an energetic massage.
This should be valid with any infection easily transmissible by contact or by breathing route..
For my part, I am largely vaccinated and use continuously existing prophylaxis to avoid getting or transmitting most of diseases, but that does not cover everything, and does not protect from Covid-19. Despite all this, If i’ll get the virus, I will directly notify my clients who have been massaged for the past two weeks, without going through the government or a smartphone application.
See you soon then…