February 1st 2020  

Outside massage visit rules

  16 Février 2020
 Event, Information, Massage

I sometimes have requests for “home” or “outside” massages. By this term, it should be understood that the massage does not take place in my office but in a place chosen by my client. It can be his home as it can be a hotel if the person cannot move and has little time.

These requests are becoming more uncommon, and today my activity does not facilitate this kind of date. This is why I explain below the visit rules, under what conditions an outside massage is still possible.

At the beginning…

When I started my activity, I moved around more often. I only had the use of my office two days a week and that allowed me to massage every day. It was possible because I just started my professional massage therapist activity and not had quite a lot of clients.

Presently, I am present in my office in Paris three days a week, and these days are full. For this reason, I now avoid trips which represent a significant transporting time during which I cannot take another customer date.

The additional 40 euros cost does not cover this waste of time, and above all, during this time no other person can be massaged nor relieved.

So why keeping this possibility ?

Because in some exceptional cases, someone who really needs an energy massage cannot move. Either for a real lack problem of time, as I wrote above concerning people in transit, or for example because of a temporary or permanent handicap.

In which cases will I not do a massage outside?

From now on, I no longer move for people who could come but do not want to do. In addition, I can not transport my massage table on public transport and I need a minimum of comfort for me and my customer, massaging on a bed is uncomfortable for everyone.

At best, the person who wants to receive has a massage table, at worst, a thin mattress placed on the floor could be used.

I no longer go to the provinces, and therefore limit my moves on the days of presence in Paris. As written above, these requests for home massage were also becoming quite rare.

I prefer to devote myself of doing a good work in my office, with all the comfort and hygiene required.

If you cannot do otherwise.

You have to try to book in advance so I can organize myself. Payment may also be made in advance, Paypal is a good way to do it. I have already had false appointments or cancellations on the spot. From the moment I move, the massage is due, even if it is canceled at the last moment.

This last rule is also in effect for massages in the office that have not been canceled early enough, or not at all, except in cases of “force majeure” of course.

These rules are not really binding and will allow me to work in the better conditions.

See you soon.

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