June 11th 2021  
monnaies celtes

New prices from mid-June 2021

  1er Juin 2021
 Event, Information, Massage

New prices from mid-June 2021

From June 15th, I will slightly increase my rates. It’ll be the first increase since the opening of my practice.

The cost of living

My charges have increased steadily over the years, like for everyone else. Yet I have kept the same rates for almost four years. These prices remain among the lowest in Paris, especially for my type of massage.

I was planning on making this increase over a year ago but the pandemic issues made life difficult for everyone and I didn’t want to add additional hardship to the main of my clients who, like me, had been financially affected by these months of confinement, curfews and restrictions.

Let’s stay light

This increase stays slight though, €10 per massage, which sets the 1h30 massage at €100, and the 2 hours at €130.

Let’s enjoy our evenings

I have had more requests for late massages since the end of the curfew than I have had in the previous three years. To prevent this from becoming a rule rather than an exception, I have also decided to increase the rate of individual sessions that end after 9 pm by + €30. Because staying too late at night forces me to stay in Paris and cause additional costs.

When ?

From June 15, this new rate will apply, except for reservations already made. If you have booked a 90 € or 120 € massage for June 16, I will not surprise you by changing the rate agreed upon at the booking time.

I go further : any reservation made until June 11 will remain at the old rate, even if the appointment is made after the 15th.

From June 11th, the new rates will be applied.

Despite of this increase, my prices remain the most affordable in this kind of service, and I continue to use top quality oils, a rigorous protocol of hygiene and air quality, as well as a control of winter and summer temperature thanks to heating and air conditioning.

See you soon…

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