April 15th 2022  
Non Fidelite Event

End of the loyalty program

  10 Mars 2022
 Event, Massage

This news is somewhat sad for me, and for my loyal customers of course.. I have to stop the loyalty program which gave a €30 discount every 6th massage.

Why this decision?

The charges have significantly increased in recent months and the periods of confinement have been financially disastrous.

Moreover, since confinement, people’s behaviour have changed significantly. While I had no more than one appointment cancellation per quarter, these cancellations have become common and I have now to deal with at least one cancellation per week. These cancellations are ruinous because it is difficult to be able to put someone back on a slot that has freed up, a day or two before. And I’m not talking about those who stand me up without warning (in this case, the person is automatically blacklisted for a group of masseurs).

It seems difficult for many people to understand that a masseur sells his time, and that wasted time is not an item that goes back into stock to be sold or discounted later. Lost time cannot be made up for, it’s a definitive loss of money.

Nevertheless, I am quite proud to have held on and to be able to continue my activity. I had to increase my massage rates slightly last year but didn’t want to increase them any further at this time. That’s why I preferred to let down this loyalty program, that some of my good customers didn’t even wanted to use.

What about current cards ?

No problem for current cards. Without date limit, the 6th massage will have its 30€ discount applied, but it will be the last time. All subsequent massages will be at the same rate.

And from when ?

Not to be to rough, this end of program will take place in mid-April.

I’m sorry for my loyal customers who of course have nothing to do with this decision and who ultimately bear the brunt of it. But they remain a priority in all my appointments.

Maybe one day I will submit a loyalty formula, identical or different. I hope so, but that will depend on the economic situation of course.

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